Monday, 20 May 2019

5G - The Game Changer in Digital ERA

Globally, 4.39 billion people use internet among whom 3.48 billion are social media users!
There’s a huge growth in the number of internet users and it keeps growing. This is the major reason why every company wants to make their social media profiles attractive. Small businesses hire Digital Marketing Company in USA to reach millions of customers worldwide.

As digital devices and the applications are getting smarter, the time-to-time update in wireless network is also required, for better compatibility. Hence, telecommunication giants like AT&T, Verizon and Sprint are racing to roll out 5G.

What is 5G?

You may probably have heard about 5G technology in passing through various articles and news and much of them have focused on its features.

Well, 5G is the fifth generation of cellular transmissions. At present we are using 4G – better known as LTE.

5G will provide better speed and coverage than the current 4G/LTE.

Yeah! Finally, we are blessed with gigabit speeds!

This new wireless network technology will completely change the game of business operations. From communication with customers, data management and all business operations will get much efficient.

You might now be thinking of your own devices?

Motorola Moto Z3 and the 5G Moto Mod are the first cell phones that rolled out with 5G capability. Many more 5G compatible devices will launch this year.

For sure, 5G will bring the new era of mobility as well!

Here are the few key features because of which this statement – “5G is set to be a game-changer”, actually makes sense:

Faster Speed:

5G is 100 times faster than existing 4G. In future, speed of 5G will reach up to 10 Gbit/s. This means 5G has the ability to download an HD movie under 10 seconds as compared to existing 4G network which takes 10 minutes or more.

Lower Latency:

5G will reduce the delay or lag, you face while using internet on phones or other devices. In 4G network, latency is around 40 to 50 milliseconds. After 5G this will be just 1 millisecond or less. 

Greater Capacity:

5G will have greater capacity than 4G. 5G will be more compatible with core intensive applications.
Reliability: 5G is expected to be more reliable than 4G. After 5G you will not face any connectivity or call drop issue.

Improved Battery Life: 

For sure your battery might drain while using internet. On the contrary, 5G will extent battery life of devices up to 10 times.

Of course, 5G is a game-changer for the entire world. These days, internet is a need for everyone. About 98% of operations are dependent on the internet. Even the manufacturing companies are also turning digital. Thus, the digital marketing has become a must for every company that wants to grow.

Tarika Technologies is a leading digital marketing company in the USA which provides Best Digital Marketing Services to help your business grow. Experience the game changing growth with digital marketing service and 5G together!